
I can’t believe I’ve had this blog for five years!? Seems like only yesterday I was unwrapping 642 Things to Write About and flipping through its crisp, empty pages. Now the book is more than half done and beat up AF.

Thank you to all who have been accompanying me on this journey. It’s been a lot of fun writing these prompts. I hope it doesn’t take another five years to finish, but who knows what life’s going to throw at me? (Hopefully some cupcakes that look like the above pic!)

Here are some stats (that are mostly for my benefit) to see the progress I’ve made over the last five years:

December 2nd: 1st Prompt
Ended the Year with 19 Prompts

92 New Prompts
November 21st: 100th Prompt
Ended the Year with 111 Prompts

12 New Prompts
Ended the Year with 123 Prompts

8 New Prompts (why was I not writing?)
Ended the Year with 131 Prompts

Big year! Changed the format of my posts so they look more uniform and started posting twice a week.
105 New Prompts
April 12th: 161st Prompt i.e. 25% Done
August 27th: 200th Prompt – Also started putting the prompt in the title instead of hiding it in the post.
Ended the Year with 236 Prompts

96 New Prompts (as of today)
August 11th: 300th Prompt
October 23rd: 321st Prompt i.e. 50% DONE!!!