Prompt Eighty-Two


Write ten sayings for fortune cookies.

  1. Today is your lucky day.
  2. Congrats! You won a free fortune cookie.
  3. Always tip your waiter.
  4. The grass is greener on the other side.
  5. You go, Glen Coco!
  6. The sun will come out tomorrow.
  7. Look both ways before crossing the street.
  8. Don’t forget to take some time for you.
  9. You are your own best friend and your own worst enemy.
  10. Not all those who wander are lost.

Prompt Eighty-One

The last chapter of the relationship.

I think you know when you reach the last chapter. Like any proper story there is a climax then a steady or maybe abrupt decline, but at the last chapter you know the story is going to end. It should not be a surprise. It may be for others but you are the writer; you control the outcome of your story. If you are unhappy make a change. If that does not work then end it. Do not drag it out longer than necessary. It will only hurt more in the end.

Prompt Eighty

What’s the worst nightmare you remember?

It isn’t even that bad, but it was one of those dreams that felt so real. I was lying in bed sleeping and woke up to find a dark figure standing over me. I tried to scream but couldn’t and the person started to strangle me. I guess I started making noises in my sleep because my boyfriend at the time woke me up and I freaked out thinking the figure would still be there but it wasn’t.